$5.676 Billion Community Development
Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Allocation
HUDDesignated Most Impacted and Distressed Areas:
GLOAdministered Programs
(48 counties outside of Harris County and City of Houston)
Counties Zip Codes
• Aransas
• Brazoria
• Chambers
• Fayette
• Fort Bend
• Galveston
• Hardin
• Harris
• Jasper
• Jeerson
Homeowner Assistance ($1.334 billion): Provides funding for rehabilitation and reconstruction of owner-occupied single family homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey.
Economic Revitalization ($109.3 million): Allows for interim assistance to small businesses (up to $250,000) impacted by Hurricane Harvey through deferred forgivable
loans in exchange for job creation or retention for low-to moderate-income employees. Small businesses within Harris County will be eligible to apply for this program.
Local Buyout and Acquisition ($189 million): Local governments may buyout or acquire eligible homes at a pre-storm or post-storm fair market value to move
homeowners out of harm’s way to a lower-risk area.
Local, Regional, and State Planning ($137.7 million): In collaboration with local communities, the GLO will work with Texas universities and/or vendors to conduct
planning studies in the impacted areas with the purpose of promoting sound long-term recovery.
Harris County Flood Control District ($322 million): The HCFCD program will provide disaster relief, long-term recovery, and flood and drainage improvement for local
communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey within Harris County.
Homeowner Reimbursement ($102.9 million): Allows homeowners to be reimbursed for certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred for repairs to the home up
to $50,000.
Local Infrastructure ($413.4 million): Repairs, enhances, and restores infrastructure for local communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey as part of a comprehensive
long-term recovery program. Match for FEMA Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs may be eligible.
Aordable Rental ($586.6 million): Provides funding for rehabilitation, reconstruction and new construction of aordable multifamily housing units in areas
impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
• 75979 - Tyler
• 77320 - Walker
• 77335 - Polk
• 77351 - Polk
• 77414 - Matagorda
• 77423 - Waller
• 77482 - Matagorda
• 77493 - Harris
• 77979 - Calhoun
• 78934 - Colorado
• Liberty
• Montgomery
• Newton
• Nueces
• Orange
• Refugio
• San Jacinto
• San Patricio
• Victoria
• Wharton
• 80% to HUD-identified most impacted and distressed areas
Harris County - $1.3 billion
• Harris County administered - $887 million
• GLO administered - $430 million
City of Houston - $1.1 billion
• City of Houston administered - $664 million
• GLO administered - $481 million
Other 48 eligible counties - $3.2 billion
HUD-directed allocations with GLO oversight:
Texas General Land Oce • Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Hurricane Harvey: State Action Plan
Based on Nonsubstantial Amendment 13 (Acknowledged by HUD September 28, 2023)
Date of Publication: 10/12/2023
Harris County Programs
GLO-Administered Programs
Harris County Homeowner Assistance ($108.2 million): Provides funding for rehabilitation and reconstruction of owner-occupied single family
homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey within Harris County.
Partial Repair and Essential Power for Sheltering ($22.5 million): Provided immediate, temporary repairs to homes that sustained less than $17,000 in FEMA-
Verified Loss.
City of Houston Homeowner Assistance ($69.1 million): Provides funding for rehabilitation, reconstruction, and reimbursement of owner-occupied single family
homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey within the City of Houston.
City of Houston Single Family Development ($60 million): Provides funding for the acquisition, new construction, demolition, public services, relocation and
assistance for single family housing with up to $200 million per development or $135,000 per household.
City of Houston Multifamily Rental ($370.9 million): Allows for the rehabilitation, redevelopment, development, or acquisition of land for multifamily rental
housing with a maximum of $40 million per development.
City of Houston Small Rental ($13.4 million): Provides funding for the rebuilding of aordable rental housing stock through the new construction and
reconstruction of small rental properties (2 – 7 units).
City of Houston Homebuyer Assistance ($18 million): Provides funding for the down payment, closing cost, principal buy down and other direct financial
assistance to home buyers.
City of Houston Buyout Program ($55.8 million): Provides funding for the purchase of residential structures at post-storm fair market value that have flooded
in order to demolish them to create park amenities, open space, or detention areas.
City of Houston Public Service ($17.9 million): Provides funding for housing counseling, legal assistance, transportation services, fair housing services, health/
mental health services, employment training, workforce development, and other services (up to $5 million per contract).
City of Houston Economic Revitalization ($21.8 million): Addresses the impact of Hurricane Harvey and the City’s unmet housing needs both directly and
indirectly by stimulating business recovery and growth and the creation of jobs.
City of Houston Planning ($22.2 million): Funding for planning activities that will benefit the most impact and distressed areas.
City of Houston Administration ($15 million): Funding for purposes of oversight, management and reporting.
Administrative Funds ($246.8 million): Funding for purposes of oversight, management and reporting.
(being administered by the GLO)
(being administered by the GLO)
City of Houston Programs
City of Houston Directly-Administered Programs
Houston Homeowner Assistance ($481.7 million): Provides funding for rehabilitation and reconstruction of owner-occupied single family homes
damaged by Hurricane Harvey within the city of Houston.
Texas General Land Oce • Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Hurricane Harvey: State Action Plan
Based on Nonsubstantial Amendment 13 (Acknowledged by HUD September 28, 2023)
Date of Publication: 10/12/2023
Harris County Homeowner Assistance ($49.5 million): Funding for the development of local housing programs to rehabilitate and reconstruct
owner-occupied single-family homes.
Harris County Residential Buyout ($194 million): Provides funding for the purchase of residential properties and removal from areas of severe
flood risk.
Harris County Public Service ($3 million): Provides funding to support residents in finding housing, remedying housing issues or becoming
more resilient in future disasters.
Harris County Administrative Funds ($21.9 million): Provides funding for costs directly related to the implementation of housing, infrastructure
and non-housing activities.
Harris County Reimbursement ($46.8 million): Allows homeowners within Harris County to be reimbursed for certain out-of-pocket expenses
incurred for repairs to the home up to $50,000.
Harris County Aordable Rental ($252.9 million): Provides funding for rehabilitation, reconstruction, and new construction of aordable
multifamily housing units in areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey within Harris County.
Harris County Single Family New Construction ($59.6 million): Replaces aordable single family housing stock in Harris County by developing
new housing in areas of reduced risk of flooding.
Harris County Competitive Application ($74.3 million): Solicits proposals from Harris County and aliated small cities to repair and rebuild
infrastructure/facilities impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
Harris County Local Method of Distribution ($129.9 million): Through a Method of Distribution (MOD) process, funding of local projects will
restore damaged infrastructure to aid in the long-term recovery and viability of Harris County communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
Harris County Planning Activities ($37 million): Harris County, in conjunction with relevant other local jurisdictions, universities, and advocates,
will enact planning activities to accurately identify unmet needs to enhance recovery programs, operations, and knowledge.
Harris County Directly-Administered Programs
Texas General Land Oce • Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Hurricane Harvey: State Action Plan
Based on Nonsubstantial Amendment 13 (Acknowledged by HUD September 28, 2023)
Date of Publication: 10/12/2023
2017 2018
August 25
October 12
January 10
February 9
September 8
November 19
February 26
December 11
June 13
September 11
May 8
July 11
August 14
August 29
October 19
February 22
March 22
December 3
April 10
June 25
July 18
September 7
Hurricane Harvey makes landfall on
the Texas Coast and continues to
drop 20 to 50 inches of rain along the
aected area.
The GLO submitted Amendment 1 to the
State Action Plan for Hurricane Harvey
recovery, which includes local plans detailing
the distribution and eligible uses of $2.3
billion in direct allocations for the City of
Houston and Harris County, to HUD for
final approval.
GLO submitted Amendment 2 to HUD
for review and approval, which details an
additional allocation of $652 million to meet
unmet housing needs.
HUD published the Federal Register
Notice (FR) allocating $5.024 billion to
Commissioner George P. Bush submits a
letter to President Donald J. Trump and
key members of his Cabinet and the Texas
Congressional Delegation describing $180
billion in overall damage to the State of
Texas, estimating at least $40 billion in
unmet need for the recovery, and requesting
release of $57.8 million in held back HUD
CDBG-DR funds.
Draft Regional Housing Guidelines for the
Homeowner Assistance Program posted for
a federally mandated 30-day public comment
HUD approved Amendment 2 to the State Action
GLO published Amendment 3 to the State Action
Plan for a federally mandated 30-day comment
period through April 20, 2019.
GLO announces application for Homeowner
Assistance Program is available in all CDBG-DR
eligible Hurricane Harvey aected counties.
GLO published State Action Plan on GLO
website for public comment through May 1.
HUD approved State Action Plan.
Harris County submits its Proposed Plan
to the GLO for review, translation, and
federally mandated comment period.
GLO published State Action Plan, Amendment
1 on website for public comment through
October 6, 2018. Amendment 1 includes the
local plans for Harris and the City of Houston.
President Donald J. Trump signed the
Continuing Appropriations Act of 2017
and the Supplemental Appropriations
for Disaster Relief Requirements, 2017
(Pub. L.56), (Appropriations Act), which
included $7.4 billion to support response
and recovery from disasters across
the nation.
GLO published Amendment 2 to the State
Action Plan for a federally mandated 30-day
public comment period.
GLO announces application for Homeowner
Reimbursement Program is available in all
CDBG-DR eligible Hurricane Harvey aected
HUD approved Amendment 1 to the State
Action Plan.
HUD approved Amendment 3 to the State
Action Plan. Amendment 3 details how
additional funding for Harris County and the
City of Houston will be allocated.
HUD acknowledged non-substantial Amendment
4 to the State Action Plan. This non-substantial
amendment updated project expenditures.
GLO submitted State Action Plan to HUD
for approval.
City of Houston submits its Proposed Plan
to the GLO for review, translation, and
federally mandated comment period.
City of Houston submits its Proposed Plan
to the GLO for review, translation, and
federally mandated comment period.
State Action Plan Timeline
Texas General Land Oce • Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Hurricane Harvey: State Action Plan
Based on Nonsubstantial Amendment 13 (Acknowledged by HUD September 28, 2023)
Date of Publication: 10/12/2023
March 10
April 14
June 1
March 13
August 21
May 22
GLO published Amendment 6 to the State
Action Plan for a federally mandated 30-day
public comment period.
GLO submitted Amendment 6 to the State
Action Plan to HUD for review and approval.
This substantial amendment moves
$50 million in public service funds into
oversubscribed HAP regions and reallocates
$86.5 million in declined buyout funds to the
Aordable Rental Program.
GLO published Amendment 7 to the State
Action Plan for a federally mandated 30-day
public comment period.
HUD acknowledged non-substantial
Amendment 5 to the State Action Plan. This
non-substantial amendment clarified language
that Harris County, City of Houston, or the GLO
will manage the direct allocations.
GLO submitted Amendment 7 to HUD for review
and approval. This substantial amendment
made adjustments to the Harris County Direct
Allocation and created a state-run Harris
County Homeowner Assistance Program. The
amendment also eliminated all funds from
the City of Houston local run programs and
created three new state-run programs: City of
Houston Homeowner Assistance Program, City
of Houston Rental Program, and City of Houston
Economic Revitalization Program.
HUD approved Amendment 6 to the State
Action Plan.
State Action Plan Timeline (Cont.)
March 15
March 16
June 22
October 7
September 23
May 6
June 15
August 19
November 1
GLO published Amendment 8 to the State
Action Plan for a federally mandated 30-day
public comment period.
GLO published Amendment 10 for the State
Action Plan for federally mandated 30-day
public comment period.
GLO submitted Amendment 8 to HUD for review
and approval. This substantial amendment
reinstated over $835 million for City of Houston
administered programs, and reallocated Harris
County administered project delivery funds to
the county’s housing and infrastructure programs
and increased the Homeowner Reimbursement
Program by more than $14 million.
HUD approved Amendment 10 of the State
Action Plan.
GLO published Amendment 9 of the State Action
Plan for federally mandated 30-day public
comment period.
HUD approved Amendment 9 of the State Action
HUD approved Amendment 8 of the State
Action Plan.
GLO published Amendment 11 for the State
Action Plan for federally mandated 30-day
public comment period.
GLO submitted Amendment 9 to HUD
for review and approval. This substantial
amendment revised program language
under various City of Houston and Harris
County programs to include additional
program information, clarify eligible activities,
and modify the types and parameters
of assistance.
Texas General Land Oce • Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Hurricane Harvey: State Action Plan
Based on Nonsubstantial Amendment 13 (Acknowledged by HUD September 28, 2023)
Date of Publication: 10/12/2023
2023 Nonsubstantial Amendment 13 reallocates funds from
State Project Delivery to the Economic Revitalization Program
January 20
September 8
September 28
May 22
HUD approved Amendment 11 of the State Action Plan.
HUD approved Amendment 12 of the State Action
HUD acknowledged Nonsubstantial Amendment
13 of the State Action Plan.
GLO published Amendment 12 to the State Action Plan for
federally mandated 30-day public comment period. Amendment
12 reallocates funds within several state- and subrecipient-
administered programs to create a new program under the
Harris County Flood Control District. The HCFCD program will
provide flood and drainage improvement for local communities
impacted by Hurricane Harvey within Harris County.
State Action Plan Timeline (Cont.)
Texas General Land Oce • Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Hurricane Harvey: State Action Plan
Based on Nonsubstantial Amendment 13 (Acknowledged by HUD September 28, 2023)
Date of Publication: 10/12/2023