2022-23 Laura Geller Memorial Scholarship Award Application
MPHS Laura Geller Memorial Scholarship
2023 Application
Name: Sports in which you played:
Home Address: FALL:
City, Zip Code: WINTER:
Phone: SPRING:
Email: SUMMER:
As of this time, school you plan to attend and course of study:
Important Information About This Application
On November 12, 2002, Laura Anne Geller succumbed to leukemia. It was the first and only battle she ever lost. Laura was a
determined, ambitious girl who had an infectious laugh, a fiery personality and a heart of gold. This generous spirit & thoughtfulness,
as well as her sense of humor- full of wit and warmth- made her one of the most well liked students at Ho-Ho-Kus Elementary School,
Midland Park High School and Villanova University. She was a star soccer player with a solid right foot, an honor roll student who
excelled in everything and most of all an amazing friend.
This scholarship has been set up in her memory to honor Laura, an amazing daughter, student and friend whose generosity, sense
of humor and love of life will always be remembered by those that knew and loved her, because to know Laura was to love her. The
recipient of this award should share Laura's leadership skills, passion for sports and be a source of inspiration to others: her team
members, classmates, family and most of all her friends. The recipient of this award will receive a onetime scholarship of $1000 to
apply towards their secondary education.
Eligibility Requirements:
Enrollment - Student must be enrolled and participating in interscholastic athletics at MPHS.
Senior Status - Student must be a senior graduating during the 2022-23 school year.
3.5 GPA - Student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
Application Sections:
Essay: Describe a passion of yours and how you have used it to excel and proven yourself as a leader.
Extra-Curricular Form: Fill out and be sure to focus on significant participation and leadership experiences, athletic
achievements, academic awards and community involvement.
Two Letters of Recommendation: Submit (2) letters of recommendation from any of the following: coaches,
teachers, school administrators and youth or community leaders.
One Candid Peer Letter of Recommendation: Submit one letter of recommendation written by a close friend
speaking about you personally, your qualities as a friend, why they value your friendship and what makes you a good
person. This letter should be about you as a person, NOT your high school career or academic accomplishments.
Additional Notes:
Submit: Application form, Essay, Letters of recommendations and Peer letter along with a copy of your transcript.
Do NOT use folders, Staples, Covers or Binders, single sided printing only.
Complete all four parts of the application, incomplete applications will not be judged.
Complete and submit applications to:
o Laura Geller Memorial Scholarship
o C/O Michael Thimme
o 16 1
o Midland Park, NJ 07432
Return this application to the address listed above by April 30, 2023.
2022-23 Laura Geller Memorial Scholarship Award Application
Laura Geller Memorial Scholarship
Extra-Curricular Activities Form
Name: High School:
On this form, list the most significant out-of-classroom activities you have been involved in. When listing leadership positions
and awards, please list the most significant awards in the comments area provided.
Instructions: For the Athletics section, please indicate level played in the boxes: “9” for freshman team, “JV” for junior
varsity team, “V” for varsity team. In the “Other Activities” section, place an “x” in the appropriate boxes.
Sport Played 9 10 11 12
List significant accomplishments, awards received and leadership positions held: _____________________________
This includes, but not limited to, student government, music/band, drama, clubs, volunteer work and paid employment.
Organization/Project/Employer 9 10 11 12
List significant accomplishments, awards received, and leadership positions held: